Lab Adventure Bonanza
Yes, NINE Lab Adventures - that's 45 locations in all!
🔬 Everything will go live at 9 am 🕘 Saturday August 8th.
🔬 You only need to complete 4 LABS to qualify for the coin (your choice which 4 sets)
🔬 Passports will be available for download before 8.8.2020
🔬 All qualifying LAB sets start with "LABS:"
🔬 We will hand out coins for completed passports on Saturday August 22nd between 3 - 6 pm at Orchard Park (Facebook event). Physical distancing will be maintained. There will be more opportunities to turn in your passports later this year.
🔬 If you do complete your passport but are not local, you can turn in your passport electronically at
🔬 Obviously due to Covid-19 we are not hosting any events.
🔬 Many of the LAB sets also have bonus caches -these will publish 8.8.2020, but are not required to complete your passports.
Be safe and enjoy our completely touchless and contactless Lab Adventure Bonanza! 💫🛰
SpoCache: Spokane’s Geocoin Challenge
FUN (Fantastic Unbelievable Nonsense) Geocoin Challenge
Launched Summer of 2019
The FUN Geocoin Challenge is still active!
The STAR Challenge is still active, and we still have coins to earn!
Spokane Trains And Railroads
Come explore the rich railroad history in and around Spokane!
The STAR Challenge consists of 41 New Caches including two Virtual Reward caches - All Aboard!!
STAR Challenge FAQs:
Bookmark list can be found here: Spokane Trains And Railroads
All caches are divided into four lines: Green, Lilac, Red and Black
Plus one additional Fallen Star tribute cache not assigned to a line
You must fill out and complete the passport to earn a coin
To complete the passport you must:
Find 9 of the Green Line caches
Find 9 caches from one other line
Find 10 more STAR caches
This can include one STAR event and the Fallen Star tribute cache
Fill out the backside of the passport
The Black line has the most icons; it will take most cachers a bit longer to complete and includes a few hikes under a half mile
A WA State Discover Pass is needed for STAR L09: Cheney Train Crash of 1916 on the Lilac Line
Expect to take 7-9 hours to complete; your mileage may vary
All Puzzle caches are solvable on site
Cell service may not be available along all lines
One STAR Challenge geocoin per household
There are two versions of the coin available: Silver and Antique Gold
All finishers may purchase an additional coin for $15